Sunday, 27 January 2013

The Very Beginning

I have always been an arty person, but one area I have overlooked for a long time is photography. 

Due to ill health I have become housebound, and this changes your whole perspective on life. 

So over the last year, without really thinking about it, I started taking more and more photos on my mobile phone camera. Trouble is, it's very limited in what it can do. As soon as you start to zoom, for instance, you lose all definition. This was leaving me very frustrated. 

Yesterday, that all changed. I now have a blue Nikon L810 bridge camera. 

It was a bit of a risk, as I wasn't sure how into photography I was going to get. I've never been into technology in a huge way. 

But today is my first proper day of starting to play with the camera and I love it!!! 

Every few minutes I'm seeing something and trying out a shot. I think i'm going to become a photo nut!

The great thing about this as a hobby is I can take photos when I feel well enough. I can also take photos sitting down and it doesn't take too much energy. And playing with the photos on my computer again is fairly low-energy too! 

I hope you'll enjoy seeing what I see, a world through my camera. 

Watch out for more posts soon!

Thanks for reading :)

1 comment:

  1. Hiya, I popped past here a few days ago and tried to leave a comment, but it appears it didn't save it. I hope this one saves. I have been following your progress both here and on DD and I can already see the progress you are making with your photography. As for keeping photos, I very seldom delete any (which I should probably do now that I have 1000's). With today's digital age it is amazing how soon one can rack up the photos. I look forward to following your progress and all the best. Take care. Cheers Dawn :-)
